Our cost efficient VP-G (Glycol) system is City of Toronto “Solar Neighbourhoods” approved and is designed for 2-5 person households. Our Glycol based system comes with Viessmann collectors as standard and are true plug and play appliances.

The Boss VP-G system comes complete with 300L PUR foam insulated tank, stainless steel Grundfos pump, Resol control, and pump station with flow meter. It is delivered in one package for easy installation. Our VP-G package can be used with any collector, flat or vacuum (although we are quite picky about the vacuum collectors we will use).
For those with a boiler for space heating, we recommend a dual coil tank where the solar heats the bottom coil and the boiler tops it up as shown in the diagram.
This system eliminates the issue common to tankless heaters where too much time occurs between the time the tap is turned on, tankless heater turns on, ramps up to the time the water reaches the tap. Having a hot tank of water helps for times when only 1 or 2L is needed to wash hands. Often with tankless heaters, by the time you are finished needing the water, it is only getting hot.